The difference between junior, middle and senior developer.Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on UnsplashJan 8, 20244Jan 8, 20244
New Stripe payments in FlutterHi! In this article I want to share my experience of setting up Stripe payments with Flutter.Jan 3, 20241413Jan 3, 20241413
We’ve released the source code of the system for property management companiesGood day!Oct 2, 202312Oct 2, 202312
Create Telegram bot that listen to channel with Dart languageThere can be situations when it will be useful not to read every message in Telegram channel, but just be notified on some message. To…Jan 28, 202356Jan 28, 202356
How to restore the Internet on MacBook Pro M1Hi, I would like to share my experience on how to share the Internet on the MacBook Pro M1 when the Wi-Fi module is dead.Nov 18, 20226Nov 18, 20226
The class construction in Flutter (also in Dart)This is gonna be the shortest article I’ve ever written on Medium.Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
The way I’m using Bloc in Flutter appEvery one (almost) in Flutter world knows the Bloc state management library. But not everyone knows when (or how) to use it. So did I.Sep 24, 202217Sep 24, 202217
Telegram bot with Dart and DockerIn this article I want to share my experience on building Telegram bot with Dart and Docker.Nov 14, 2021632Nov 14, 2021632
Send extra info using UNUserNotificationCenterHello, new ones iOS developers!May 7, 201910May 7, 201910